Friday 21 November 2014


In this assignment I am assuming that I am junior employee at LeyTech and tasked to prepare a comprehensive blog explaining a typical employer will be looking for in the workers.
The aim is to be able to produce a blog giving:

  • General information about attributes collected from various books, magazines and the internet.
  • Discussion of the results carrying out personal real life details of how someone’s career had developed.

Task 1:  Explain the personal attributes valued by employers.

For this section I have done internet research and looked at our BTEC book. I have combined my findings from both these sources.

   1. Attitudes

1.1 Self-motivation

Self-motivation is the ability to do what needs to be done without influence or huge supervision from other people or situations.
Self-motivation is a very important achievable goal because it shows that you want to do something and you have the capacity to do by yourself and no one needs to say anything.
For example to show motivation as a junior employee, I have to do a blog and the owner is expecting a good self-motivation from me because he knows that I am able to do an excellent blog without influence from other members of the staff. Also I will do things that the owner isn't expecting from me because I have an attitude and I am serious in this job.

1.2 Leadership Skills

Leadership is the ability to lead and motivate a group of people or an organisation with the sane goal.
If the employee has the capacity to give orders to people and the members of staff respect him, it is a good signal. Also leader should be able to identify people’s weakness and problems.
If I need help with the job, I can ask other people to help which means I have to be responsible and good enough to make them work with me and they have to cooperate with me because they know I have the ability to make them work very well.

1.3 Independence

Independence is the ability to work by yourself.
For example to show independence, as a worker, you will have to do a blog which means I have to be able to produce a good work by yourself and on time. By having independence I can make my own decisions however they need to be the best for the blog. The owner is expecting something unique and the context of the blog have to be good and I have to find good material such as images, opinions and information.

   2. General: attributes an employer is looking in an employee

2.1 Team Working

Team working is when you work with others people and you are able to share your knowledge with your colleagues. However some people prefer to work by themselves because they do better work when they are isolate
Being a member of a team brings a lot of responsibilities because you have to cooperate with others people, all members of the team has to work together but at the same time by themselves because sometimes, people divide the work to be easier

2.2 Creativity

Creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something.
For example to show creativity, I can create unique blog with information that no one else has. Also I need to have the ability to find the solutions to problem using my logical, creativity and past experiences along with secondary data from books, internet, newspapers and magazines.
 rnet, newspapers and magazines.

2.3 Communication Skills

Communication is the impacting of information by speaking or writing.
Communications is a very important attributes because without speak the language of the country, you can't find a job or alternatively you can find a job however it will be in cleaning area. By having an excellent communication, I will be able to make a good blog with writing that the audience will understand. Also this job will require good knowledge of IT such as how to use hardware and software and if I know about it I will get the job as junior employee at LeyTech.


    3.Specific job-related:

3.1 Technical knowledge

Technical knowledge is the knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish mathematical, engineering, scientific or computing.

As junior employee, I will need to have a big knowledge of IT, my job is create a blog which means that I need to know how to produce a blog and how to make the blog beautiful, informative and easy to understand and read. If you are working in It place, you probably need at least and IT a level or course to make your job successful and the most important thing is that you have to know how to use Microsoft because it is a basic things and lot of people have learnt in college/school.


Explain the principles of effective communication.
Task 2: Add information to the blog that explains the principles of effective communication. It must discuss 3 points from each of the areas outlined below.

  1. General skills:

1.1 Cultural differences

Cultural differences are differences between people of different culture.
Different people have different ways of communication and different countries have different ways of speak, write and reading and it is very important find a balance between people. Some words and sign that are used in one language or culture may be an insulting in another, therefore you might decide to use different gestures and words to communicate with others.

1.2 Question and answer

Question and answer is a way of understand if your audience understood what you have spoken or written. By showing a powerpoint or speaking, you have no clue if your audience have understood the topic therefore if you ask questions to them, you know how much they have understood and how you can help your audience. Also the audience can ask questions to the teacher is like that you can see how interest and curious they are about the topic and at the same time you are improving your skills as teacher.

1.3 Techniques for engaging audience

By engaging your audience, you are maintaining the interest levels of your audience. But to be successful you have to apply various techniques, for example showing slides, play music or movies, ask the audience to draw, ask the audience some questions, change the sentence length, and use some bullet points and headings. If you are speaking with the audience, you should change your tone or you can do some pauses during your speech. Lessons need some variety because no one wants to go to a lesson that is boring.

  2. Interpersonal skills:

2.1 Barriers

To be able to communicate effectively, you have to reduce the barriers as much as possible between people. For example if you are a teacher your voice should be clear and loud enough, without any distortion or interference and of course the teacher should be looking at the audience. Background noise can be a barrier because can distract the audience, for example wind noise. Distractions can also be one of the factors because if people come late to the lesson, the teacher is force to stop the lessons to know the reason for the lateness and the teacher will have to repeat part of the message.  One of the biggest barrier in United Kingdom is people’s accent.  Lack of concentration from student, will affect the class because the teacher has to stop the lesson to tell him/her off and he will need to repeat again. Accent can affect the way people talk because they can have difficulty to speak with other people, also lot of people suffer from bullying.

2.2 Positive and negative language

The word “yes” is a positive response to a question and the word “no” is a negative to a question. By using positive language, you are making the topic more interest and optimistic and by using negative language, you are making the topic “bad” in some circumstances. Your facial expressions can express if you are speaking a positive or negative language, for example when you smile, it shows that you are happy and you are enjoying that moment. Also the way you speak, if you are yelling at someone, it shows that you are angry and your body language can show if you are happy or angry.

2.3 Types of questions

Asking questions is part of communication and way of learn and get more knowledge about something. There are three types of questions, an open question, a closed questions and probing question. An open question is when you ask a question and there are a lot of answers to that question for example when you ask “How are you”, the person can answers a lot of things such as “I’m fine” or “I am not feeling very well”. A closed question is a question, which the answer is limited, perhaps the answer is only “Yes” or “No”. For example “Are you feeling well?” the answer will be “Yes” or “No”. Finally probing questions is to extract the information you want. This types of questions is when you need to know something and the person gives you the right answer.

  3. Written communication skills:

3.1 Spelling and grammar

To be able to write in any language, you have to know at least the grammar because some people have spelling problem therefore if the person knows the grammar, the person will be able to write.  I am responsible to make a blog and a lot of people will see it, which means my grammar and spelling has to be right. When people are writing report, letter, fax you should be able to write well. Of course that everyone makes mistake however you show be able to find them and change it. Writing mistakes can affect the type of job you have because if you work in office, you have to write properly however if you are a cleaner, you don’t need to write anything and you don’t need to communicate a lot and mistakes shows unprofessional image to the reader and can create some understanding problems. But the most important is that processing software offers grammar/spell checker options.

3.2 “Smileys” or emoticons

Smileys or emotions are used to show a frame of mind, smileys are used in text messaging, Internet forums and social networking such as Twitter and Instagram. This type of written communication is not used to serious communication and workers will not use it because smileys are used for informal texting and this type of communication is used more often by teenagers. Smileys can show your face reaction towards the message you have received.

3.3 Structure

Structure is a very important factors because you have to be able to separate different topics and by having a good structure, there reader will be able to understand the information quickly and it is easy to identify the main message of the letter, fax, email and text messaging. As junior, I should use sentences variety such as long and short sentences, complex and simple sentences, etc. A good structure will include sentences variety, paragraphs, punctuation variety, headings, perhaps bullet points.

4. Overcoming communication barriers

4.1 The Time and Space Barriers
Time and space are can be a big barrier between sender and receiver. Some workers don’t have time enough time to complete the work, but they feel scared to tell their managers, also sometimes the workers don’t have enough resources to be able to finish the work.

4.2 The Noise Barrier
Noise is a sound that can disturb a person and noise can affect the quality of communication between sender and receiver. Noise can be from people, objects, animals, wind, etc. To overcome noise isn’t easy because noise appears in everywhere and in different ways. During a conversation, both sender and receiver need to have focus and the ability to concentrate. However to be able to overcome, first you have to identify the noise, for example the door and then you can overcome the noise, for example change the door and by finding the noise, you can improve the communication flow.

4.3 The Feedback Problem
Feedback is information about reactions to a product. The process is easy: the sender transmits the message and the receiver receives the message, interpret it and then the receiver provides feedback. However when the feedback is face-to-face, the process is not always like that. Sometimes the sender transmits the message and at the same time, he is feeding back which means that the whole process is completely wrong and sometimes the receiver has to clarify the point by saying what the sender was supposed to say. If the receiver understood the message, the feedback will be good because it is based on his understanding. Feedback is a good way of learning because the receiver is reinforcing the message.
4.4 Clarify Ideas before Communication:
If the sender doesn’t knows anything about the topic, which will make the receiver role hard, the sender needs to speak about something that he knows or something that he has learned to be able to teach or speak with the receiver. In order, to overcome the problem, the sender has a big role in terms of communication. In order to the message be successful, the sender needs to clarify the ideas before starting the conversation. The sender needs to know what he/she is going to talk about and the sender needs to think the way he/she is expressing the ideas. Also he should know the aims/objectives and the purpose of the conversation to the receiver be able to understand well and he should try to give example, to help understand the topic.
4.5 Frequently check for understanding
Some people tend to only speak and then leave the information like that. But a good sender will make sure that the receiver understood the concept by asking questions or by explain what he just said. In order to overcome this problem both, sender and receiver need to check if they understood fully. Also by sharing ideas, the sender can check if the receivers have understood the topic.



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